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Apr 26, 2021

Cooper Stuff is honored to have Dana Perino join us to talk about her new book, her 2 shows on Fox News (including ‘The Five’ which is one of my favorites), life advice, and optimism for the future both as individuals and as a country. This is a really fun episode!


► Buy John’s new book, Awake & Alive to...

Apr 19, 2021

I’m sick of the world, sick of the panic, the isolation, the media, the lies, the oppression, and it doesn’t seem like it will get any better any time soon. Cooper stuff argues that we are not moving towards soft totalitarianism, we are already in it. We have a chance to stop it’s advance but if we don’t act...

Apr 12, 2021

They finally said the crazy part out loud! A prayer book was released by prominent author Sarah Bessey with a prayer asking God to “help me hate white people.” Why I think this is surprisingly good news. We also touch on my birthday, liberation theology, and how blessed we are to know Jesus Christ and be saved by...

Apr 6, 2021

Perception Is Not Reality. As culture becomes more fixated on feelings and perceptions rather than truth, it becomes more difficult to know if and when we should engage in culture wars. Cooper Stuff looks at a few events of the last couple of weeks to illustrate why truth matters.


► Buy John’s new book, Awake &...